Monday, March 19, 2012

2011 June ride with the brother

I just realized I missed this small ride with my brother!! Not sure why but hey better late than never. It's a nice area that I haven't put any photos up here yet.
Anyway we wanted to go for a small ride so off  we went around the Canning area and the back of the valley behind Coldbrook etc. The 221 was the road taken. Also Cape Split and Scott's Bay on another occasion.
So here are a few pics of where we went.
First stop was down Ross Creek road. It was slick with mud and water on the dirt road. mind you neither one of us had a lot of experience riding greasy dirt roads so we were a bit timid driving up and down the road. A more seasoned rider wouldn't even blink I suppose.

That is the view from the end of the road looking towards Cape Split. That's the 'bro and his Suzuki 650 DR. It's no KLR but hey we all can't ride KLR's!!

We also went over to Cape Split. On your way you will ride through Scott's Bay. A small village with only a few hardy souls who live there still.

This is the sign at the entrance to the Cape Split trail that takes you out to the end of the point where the rocks are. You can view the massive current as it goes in and out on the tide.

This is looking back at Scott's Bay from the parking lot at the trail head.

This plaque explains a bit of history of Scott's Bay and area. I didn't get a closer shot to rad. Sorry. Maybe next time.

On our ride back out of Scott's Bay we encountered cattle on the road. You must alwasy be careful and ride accordingly in these areas as you never know what you are going to happen upon along the road. Could be animals or tractors or farmers moving livestock. So speeding and driving foolishly will get you in trouble here!!

We also went over to the Lookoff. A great view and a nice ride with lots of twists as you ride up and down the mountain. Well worth the view and there is a small ice cream / gift shop on the top where you can get a drink or take a break.

The beautiful Annapolis Valley from the Lookoff in Blomidon.

We rode down the mountain on the dirt option and ended up near Blomidon and Delhaven on the Pereault Rd. This is looking out towards what is left of the small islands that used to be much larger but have eroded away over the years. I forget the name of them.

I think it was a different day but also ended up going on the other side of the basin and looking back towards Kingsport across the Minas Basin.  A nice quiet road with no traffic and lots of scenery.

This is looking towards Wolfville along the shores of the Minas Basin.

This crazy sight is at the end of Gran Pre Rd and at the intersection of West Long Island Rd. Kind of humorous.  I am sure everyone that drives by says.."What the...??"

Near the end it was time for some refreshments so we stopped at the ubiquitous Tim Horton's.
So I hope you enjoyed a few pics of the area and maybe you will want to explore it for yourself one day.


  1. The island(s) in the picture that you can't remember is called Paddy's Island.
    The Annapolis Valley has lots of great riding destinations, all within a reasonably short driving time from the Halifax area.
    The other great thing about the Valley is that most of the secondary roads are light in terms of traffic so you can enjoy your ride without having to be overly concerned about traffic.
