Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Digby neck and Islands

It was a very nice warm day and sunny without any clouds so I figured it was a good time to go for a run "down the neck". So off I went after grabbing my camera.
Here is a screen shot of the route.

So not a very long run but nice and scenic and quiet as there isn't much traffic. The road is generally in good shape with a few pot holes here and there but nothing to worry about.

The route goes down the 217 highway from Digby.

This is the route marker that signs the 217 highway along the neck.

Here is a quick look at the beach in Roxville. It's a nice spot.

I figured I would take as many side roads as I could and show you what is down those spots. They are usually very small and quiet with local wharfs where a few fishermen ply their trade.

This picture above is of Sandy Cove which is a very pretty little spot. Here he clammers are out digging for clams on the low tide.

The boat above is also in Sandy Cove sitting on the mud on the low tide.

This is the lighthouse on Long island as seen from East Ferry where you wait before you catch the ferry over to the island.

 There are many tour operators that will take you out on the water to see some whales and seabirds. Pick one you think you will like and away you go.

I stopped at Gulliver's Cove.

 This an old fish house in Gulliver's Cove. It has been quite awhile since there was any activity in Gulliver's Cove. But look at the picture below and you will see there was some supposed pirate activity in Gulliver's Cove and that is where the name comes from! Wow cool.

The picture below is a quick snap of the beach area in Rossway. It's a nice area to get onto the beach and look around.

 As you can see above this is a picture of the Midway picnic area sign. It is a very nice area with a large lake that kids like to swim in and there is a nice picnic area in the pic below that is a nice place to stop and eat or swim.

Below is a picture of the wharf in Little River. It is a very picturesque place and very quiet. There is an active fishery here with several boats taking part and fishing. There is a plant at the end of the wharf as well and you can see it in the next picture.

 This is a picture looking at the wharf where the boats tie up and where the fish huts are.

One last picture of Little River. Taken on a earlier ride, but shows you how nice it is there.

Further down the road is the ferry that takes you over to Long Island. As you turn the corner this is what you see as you look over to Long Island. That is the village of Tiverton.

Below is a picture of an old fish plant on Long Island. This is down Israel Cove Rd. I always wondered what was down there. This doesn't look like it has been used in a long while. Too bad.

My next adventure down some side road was down Bear Cove Rd. It got smaller and smaller until it looked like this. It actually got worse than this too. But I made it all the way to the water and had a look at Bear Cove! This is why I bought a KLR so I could ride off road if I wanted to. I do want!

 Once out of Bear Cove and back to the highway, which is still the 217, there is this small little museum just outside Tiverton. I have been in there and it's very good for a small place. The folks are very nice and can also help you out if you need directions or whatever. It is an info spot.

A little further down the road there is the balancing rock trail. It's cool and you walk down a trail for about 3.5 Km I think until you reach the other side of the island and the water. There are some stairs and you can view the balancing spire of basalt that sits there.

 This is the donation box. Please try and help them out if you can so they can maintain the trail and steps etc....volunteer ya know!!

Here is the rock at the end of the trail.

Apparently there is some controversy about the fish farms folks want to put in the water in the area.
 This is the wharf in Freeport. You go down Overcove Rd to get there. It's a nice little ride that takes you through the little village and it is very quaint and scenic.

The KLR on the "JOE CASEY" on the trip over to the island.

 This is the western light on Brier Island. It is very quiet and there were only 3 other people there looking around. I had a quick lunch there and took a break.

On Brier Island this is the sign at the end of the 217. If you keep going you had better know how to swim! Very well I might add since the current goes through between the islands very quickly and it would take you away.

This is the Norther light on Brier Island. There is a coast guard station there on the left. A nice spot on a sunny day.

This yellow place is LAVENA'S Catch Cafe. It is very worthwhile to stop in and get some lunch or dinner. The best place for miles. It is just where you get on/off the ferry to Brier Island. Homemade everything and great prices. It's a must do.

In Central Grove there is a nice picnic spot if you would like to stop and take a break or just relax for a bit before heading to the islands or when you come off.

Well that's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and maybe one day you will get down here as well for a ride or tour.


  1. Hey..did the Neck last year. Stayed at the Duchman's Hostel on Brier. Watch those wet steel ramps off the ferry when the tide is out..

    Great post..thanks

  2. Glad you enjoyed it. More to come summer 2012 hopefully!!
