Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Digby-Advocate- Canso and home

I Had four days off so I wanted to get some travelling done. Hmmm where to go?? So I always wanted to ride the shore along Walton and Noel. I also had not been over to Parrsboro area either, plus once there what the hell...Eatonville sounds enticing!!

So I was already to go Saturday...RAIN. Yup that sucks a lot, well since I didn't have to really be anywhere at any time I delayed and left Sunday. Sunday dawned bright and sunny. AWESOME.
I brought along my air mattress and tent and some clothes and off I went.

This is the view off Falmouth which is about 2 hours from Digby..depending on you ride / drive I guess as well. The hay has been cut and baled here already. There are very high tides here and it exposes a lot of mud when it goes out.

It is so nice finally to have nice sunny weather and be out on the bike. Just the rush of the wind and the views of the countryside! I stayed on pavement this whole trip, maybe next time I will figure out routes to get where I want to go with more gravel and dirt.
I also decided that I would ride the Noel shore area. It is a nice drive along the Bay of Fundy and the traffic is light and the roads are not bad. I stopped at a small scenic pullout in Cheverie. A nice spot and a great spot for a rest and some pictures of the bay. Across the water you can see Cape Blomindon which is across the Minas basin.

Cape Bomidon
So I hopped back on the bike and took off along the 215 highway. I rode along towards Walton going through some nice small places, well I guess everything is small along here!! Walton had quite a history with mining gypsum and there was quite a port there where ships would come in and load up and then off to the world.
This is the small harbour in Walton.

There was someone camping in a tent on the left side of this photo. You can't see it here but there is a light house on the right hand point. You can go inside and look around and it has some nice old pics of the history of Walton. All for FREE!!

This is the light house.

This is the small plaque on the light.

A bit of history for you!!

Before I left here is the sign at the turn on the road.

Off from Walton and continuing along the 215 highway. Many nice views and it's hard to get tired of taking pictures of the Bay of Fundy. Well I guess you can , but I have not!!

It was nice to ride along and just take it easy. I did see some other bikes along the way. I thought I might see more than I did since it's such a nice ride. Maybe it's still undiscovered?  Here is the view as you come down into the Five Islands area. Nice scenery!

Still not much traffic though, so that was OK. It almost felt like it was your own road to run along and not have to worry about traffic either behind you or in front of you screwing around!! Here is a closer shot of the  islands fro the same spot.

Nice. Plus it was cool along the shore, not cold though! Just really nice and comfortable and great to ride in without sweating so much with all the gear on. So off we go. This route is the 209 and is a great ride with lots of turns and elevation changes.

Here is the view from Fox Point. It is just a small road that runs off the 209 and you will miss it if you are not careful. I rode down as I wanted to see if I could get close to the coast and get a view of Cape Split across the water. Boy did I, it is a really great little spot and you can picnic there as well. Highly recommended if you are going through DO NOT MISS IT.

Also there is a nice view across the water as well. That is Cape Split.

There is a bench you can sit on and have a rest if you want.

Never mind the angle it was taken from the bike and I couldn't get it to sit straight! I will fix it later....

Now here is a fellow paragliding from the high banks nearby. Looks like a fun time.

Then down the road is Spencer's Island. It's a neat spot, very small but has a light house and a nice beach for use. This is the view coming into the village from the 209.

Then on down to the beach and light house area.

This is also the spot from where the Mary Celeste was built and launched. Still a mystery many years later!!

Back onto the bike and onwards towards Advocate. I camped at the Fundy Tides campground. I was going to get a wooded spot, but when I stopped the bike in the trees the black flies came out in swarms! This wasn't good so I left that spot and took one just out in the open on the grass. The wind was blowing and it kept them down considerably. There were still a few though!!!
The camp ground staff were very nice and I had a club sandwich at their restaurant and then spent an hour or so at their camp site as they had a fire going and even a few fireworks!!
I will go back there for sure!!

Off to Cape D'Or light house for a few pictures and have a look. The road in is gravel but it's really wash boarded..too many vehicles I guess WOW it was really crappy!! But oh well take your time and you will be ok for sure.

This was taken on the way in. The island is Isle Haute (high island).

Once in there you park at the top and walk down a steep hill to the light house area.

It was nice there and it was almost sunset which is when you want to be there for the good light.

Back to the campground. I left in the morning and took the old Eatonville Rd. I figured if I had a road with my namesake on it then I should take it! It's just a trail really and you shouldn't expect to get your car down there. I got all the way to the Eatonville day use area and it was closed..What!! There was a gate and I couldn't get around it as they put large rocks near the poles. Damn it. Oh well...

Apple river is next and there is a small area where some boats tie up ion the sand or on very modest docking areas made of rocks.

I stopped at the Joggins fossil areas and you can see coal sticking right out of the ground. Joggins had quite a coal mining industry in the 1800's. It is now a shadow of it's former self population wise.

This is the fossil center.

This is the entrance to the Tim Horton's camp in Tatamagouche. Kids who can't afford it go there for some fun and a good time with other kids.

Some sights along the way. It's nice to see some alternate power options. Man would I love to have this bad boy in my back yard!! Get a cheque from the power company..ya count me in!!

 This plane was seen outside of Pictou across from the Tim Horton's store.

This was seen outside of Guysborough village.

This is a really cool old post office building in Guysborough as well. Sure looks better than the new version post offices. The date on top is 1902.

Check out this doctor's office. He still has his name in gold letters on the window.

This is the place I stopped at to eat. Had a really good donair!! Large and very tasty. If you are hungry and near here stop in, they are nice!!

On the road again!!

Now closer on to Canso.

This cool little light house is out on a rock in the bay. Really neat. Looks a little lonely!!  I guess not much grass to mow!

Canso post office. Another nice old building, not a post office today though.

The campsite.

Stayed there overnight and it had clean showers and bathrooms. What more can you ask for??

The next day dawned grey and cool. It fore casted rain all over NS so I beat it out of there and hit rain after 30 mins or so. So not a lot of pics as it was too wet. But I did take one or two. This one near Marie-Joseph where they were tearing apart an old coast guard ship. Hmmm a bunch of scrap.

Marie Joseph main street. Don't blink, I mean it!

Oh and of course it's construction season!!

I also wanted to add the beach pictures, where you come out of the Eatonville Rd. It sure looks like it would be nice on a nice sunny day. Really reddish brown earth on the banks here as well.

That's about it!!

1 comment:

  1. Good info and nice pics. Just got back today from Cape D'or. Gotta like that place. hope to organize a ride mid sept. will be in touch.
