Monday, April 21, 2014

Weymouth to Yarmouth Rail bed

It was nice again today so I drove to Weymouth to pick up the rail bed and take it Yarmouth. I didn't go all the way to Yarmouth but very close. I stopped where the 340 crossed the rail bed.
Here is a map of the GPS track. When I turned onto the 340 it still tracked the route.


It was some good riding all along the trail. Not as many holes to go around or slow down for. Seems in Clare area there are less yahoo's spinning their tires and making a mess of the trails.
So once more this is the trail entrance in Weymouth.

The sign post has a map of the trail portion and what not, along with some local history of the rail line.

A small bridge that the trail people have installed across a small creek.
This is the view of the creek/river from the bridge.
A quick view from the seat of the KLR. Never mind the temp gauge, I was sitting for a bit with it running. It cooled back down right away once I took off again.
This neat culvert was just down from the bridge. Was fun to ride through and of course I revved the engine while going through.  Took a bit for the eyes to get adjusted.
 In you go!!
  A sign board that is on one end of the trail. Has some info on it and is kind of neat. I took a couple pics of the boards. Have a read.

 Another small bridge crossing a river.
 Some history of the rail line in the area.
 A small map with distances and some GPS coordinates.
This is the trail head marker or sign when you come into Yarmouth county from Digby county. All kinds of wildlife pictures and such. 30Km to Yarmouth it says.
I didn't take more pictures of the trail since once you have seen a narrow dirt trail, you have seen them all.
The trail is in good condition and is a fun ride. There was one spot where I got into some soft sand/gravel and it got squirrelly but I gave it some gas and it straightened right out. Good thing I just watched those YouTube videos!
Take care and ride safe.

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